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Tell us about yourself, your background and hobbies.
My name is Matthew Rutowicz. I'm 23 years old and I love music! I enjoy everything that has to do with music from producing, writing and listening; to jamming with my band. As usual, I also simply enjoy hanging out with my friends and having fun with them as often as I can!

When did you start to be interested in music, how did you learn to play, who was your teacher. What kind of music do you play most of the time and what do you listen?

I guess I had always been interested in music growing up due to my dad always playing (a lot of progressive) music around the house all the time. I took basic keyboard lessons since early on in elementary, don't remember the name of my teacher though... Mostly when I'm playing on my own i'm either practicing the bands own music or just improvising on the spot. In terms of listening, I honestly listen to a WIDE variety of music. But my favorite would be anything that's technical/progressive that asks a lot from the listener. If it isn't challenging to listen to, then I tend get bored.


Who established the band  you are in currently, how long do play with this band and did you play with different band before this one?

Trevor Birnie (singer) would be the one that really aimed to bring it all together from the get go. I was in a band with him before hand along with Wade Forshaw (guitarist), and he knew we would be assets towards bringing a new project together. I had also played in "Chaos Forge" and "The Cruelty" before Annex Theory.
Annex Theory's beginning in summer 2008.

Why the name Annex Theory?

It was originally taken as a way to (informally) express the concept that as technology advances, and people become more and more dependent on technology, that the line between man and machine is slowly (but surely) overlapping and becoming blurred. Now, in know way are we a conceptual band, but that notion is great, and it's a name we really enjoy!

Annex Theory



How do you describe the music you and your band is playing and what instrument do you play on?

In a few words, our music is slightly hard to describe. We grab so many influences from so many different bands/styles. Though I guess we could be slotted under technical/progressive metal. Though, nowadays, that can really mean anything haha. I play keyboards and do some back up vocals as well.


Marzec 2009

How  this kind of music is liked by the audience and who is your audience?

Since we have such variety in our music, pretty much anyone that enjoys metal or any sort of technicality at all enjoys our music. We seem to have fans of all ages, which is great!

How big the audience is ? Is your band has many fans?

For a local band playing a show, the size of the crowd is usually dependent on what slot your playing in during the night. If your opening, it's smaller, if your later in the night, it's larger! Though, no matter what the size, everyone always tends to enjoy the show.
How often do you have concerts and what the average age of the audience?
 We try to play a show about once every few months, being sure not to play to many or too few shows. Again, the age really varies! We've played all age shows with kids in junior high and high school enjoying our set, as well as folks much older playing in venues like the Albert.

Do you have anybody amongs the fans from older generation and how do they like this kind of music?

We do have those that are older and enjoy our music, but definitely not as many as the younger generations. Mostly because the younger generation is used to this style of heavier music while most of the older crowds simply aren't.



How do you dress for the show, do you express any kind of subculture?

We all dress pretty casually, t shirt, jeans, the usual! The best subculture I would place us under is simply "musicians" haha, we don't really TRY to stand out in any way specifically.

Do you know the band by the name of Behemoth - the most famous polish heavy metal band, the leader is Nergal? What is your opinion about them?

Personally, I think it's crazy that a band as extreme as them can gain the sort of recognition that they have, and I have a lot of respect towards them for achieving this
What band is the biggest inspiration or model for your music?

There is no way I'd be able to say just one band haha! But for the most part, UK bands such as "Sikth" and "The Arusha Accord" seem to be basis of our inspiration currently. Both highly technical and heavy; yet a huge emphasis on musicality and melody.
What the success of your band and yours personally?

I believe that with how young we are as a band, we have been very successful in making a mark in the local scene, and beyond. We already have a lot of support from many other well established bands, and it's simply very exciting to see where it all goes in the future!

What else do you like besides playing music?
Simply relaxing when I can, going out with friends. Regular stuff I guess!

Jolanta Małek polishwinnipeg.com


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