Polonia Winnipegu

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Daniel Szymański








Tell me about your Polish roots. Do they have any special meaning for you.

My mother was born in Canada but her parents (my grandparents) were born in Poland. My father is from Wroclaw. A large percentage of my family still lives in Poland. I love going there to visit them. I've traveled all over Europe and still Poland is the most beautiful country I've seen (in my opinion). Krakow in my most favorite city in all of Europe. I may not speak Polish fluently but I am honored to be of Polish descent. I admire and actively study our country's history.






When did you get interested in music?

My appreciation for music began in high school. I was age 15. I hadn't sung much before that time. I thought choir was ridiculous but I made some new friends and they managed to change my mind. They encouraged me to audition for the school's Vocal Jazz group. So I did. The director must have sensed something special in me because I got the part. From that point on I developed a new appreciation for not just music but the arts in general. Music, dance, theatre, literature, poetry and the list goes on.

How did you develop your musical talent?

After highschool, I studied music at a University level for two years. I studied for 1 year at Canadian Mennonite University where first voice teacher, *Chris Ryan* really helped me to find my voice. The year after, I studied at University of Manitoba with *Mel Braun*. He really helped to fine tune my voice and still assists me today. This is in addition to years of practicing by myself in a small room for hours and hours. I discovered early that discipline is important in the pursuit of music. My family has always been very supportive of my pursuit.

How did you become a member of Antiphony. Who started that group?

This passed summer I was involved with the *Rainbow Stage* production of "Beauty and the Beast." One of my fellow cast members was a member of * Antiphony* and he told about the group. He mentioned they were looking for a new member. So I auditioned and they graciously invited me to join them. They originally formed in the fall of 2008. The group is self-directed. That means every member is given an equal opportunity to take charge.

What type of music do you suggest to your fans (I think this refers to your group)?

We love all forms of music. We sing Spiritual, Choral, Jazz, Contemporary and when the opportunity presents itself maybe some Pop. It is all Acapella though. Winnipeg tends to show quite a disinterest in Choral music. There is a large misconception that it's boring and repetitive. Our goal is to show all people (especially the younger audience) that Choral music can be cool, interesting and beautiful all at the same time.

Recording :



Where did you perform and what are your, musical performance,  plans for this year?

Past performances include *Winnipeg Choral Fest 2009*, *The Guardian
Angel Cancer Benefit 2009*, and an *MTS Video On Demand showcase*. We are
currently recording our debut album and we have several upcoming concerts
including our annual spring concert (April 24/2010) and the "Paradise Lost"
premiere in New York City. Other events can be found on our website at

How do you prepare for your concerts? What kind of repertoire will you represent in your concert in New York? Who invited you to take part in that concert?

We will be performing the music of *Eric Whitacre's* "Paradise Lost: Shadows and Wings." He originally wrote it as an Electronic Opera but in this case, only the music will be performed in New York. We were required to
send in a recording of our group and were told it would take roughly 2 weeks for a response. They loved the recording so much that "*The Distinguished Concerts International Of New York*" called us the very next day and invited us down.

How did you arrive in the Sokol Choir?  How did you prepare for the unusual, and interesting, solo rendition of "Oj Maluski"?

My wonderful Babcia had encouraged me to join the choir for years but I was either uninterested or too busy. Then she told me that Tad Biernacki wanted to hear me as well. I thought to myself "what is my Babcia saying about me to these people?" I figured I might as well give it a try. I saw it as an opportunity to get closer to my Polish heritage.
Tad told me about his idea for "Oj Maluski" on the first day of rehearsal. He seemed quite excited about it. He emailed me a recording of the song and we both met several times outside of rehearsal to practice it. My Babcia
also helped me with pronunciation, so she was in on the secret as well.

Your interpretation requires significant amount of acting abilities, did you  have any training in that direction? Do you have any, future, plans  connected that involve acting?

I love musical theatre. I've starred in several musicals including "HAIR", "West Side Story" and "Beauty and The Beast." All music, regardless of what genre should to be expressed through your body to some degree. That's what draws an audience into a song. This version of "Oj Maluski" was quite comedic and witty so it seemed appropriate that I should perform with that type of character.



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